

This is the main program, accessed by either running kmpc from an installed package or ./runkmpc from within the root of the git repo. It depends on a configuration directory (~/.kmpc) and a config file (~/.kmpc/config.ini) that will be automatically created at first run. You will need to edit this config file to add the correct values for various variables. The following commandline options are accepted, as well as all the default Kivy options:

usage: kmpc [-h] [-q] [-d] [-n] [-V] [--helpkivy]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  -q, --quiet      only print errors to console log
  -d, --debug      print debug messages to console log
  -n, --newconfig  write out default config file if it doesn't exist yet
  -V, --version    print version number and exit
  --helpkivy       Print Kivy's built-in argument list
  --sync {all,music,fanart,exportratings,importratings}
                   run the 'sync' function with the chosen module
                   and exit


This is the synchost manager program, accessed by either running kmpcmanager from an installed package or ./runkmpcmanager from within the root of the git repo. The synchost is a computer running at home that has all the music and mpd running on it, as well as all the fanart. kmpcmanager provides an interface for downloading fanart for all files in mpd, setting up an rsync file to sync with, and changing song ratings and copy flags. This also depends on the config folder and file. The following commandline options are accepted, as well as all the default Kivy options:

usage: kmpcmanager [-h] [-q] [-d] [-n] [-V] [--helpkivy]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  -q, --quiet      only print errors to console log
  -d, --debug      print debug messages to console log
  -n, --newconfig  write out default config file if it doesn't exist yet
  -V, --version    print version number and exit
  --helpkivy       Print Kivy's built-in argument list